The Key to your Mind

There is one truth that we need to know and understand about our minds.  This is the most important aspect.  If you can understand this and realise the impact it has on your life, chances are you will understand why you are where you currently find yourself.

Your mind is a very complex system.  It is responsible for more that just thinking.  The subconscious mind is in control 95% of the day, monitoring your breathing, heartbeat, body temperature and all other bodily functions.  Then there are all the events in the outside world that you need to focus on and interact with.  But there is just too many things happening at any given moment around you for your mind to respond to everything.

As an example:  Lets say you are sitting at your desk at work.  You can hear the phone ring somewhere in the office, the printer is busy printing some documents, there are people walking around, with a dozen or more conversations happening at the same time.  You need to breathe, your skin constantly monitors everything touching it, like your clothes, the chair and even the computer keyboard.  You need to focus on the work you are busy doing.  Somewhere in the background you hear the siren of an ambulance.  The birds outside are busy singing, there are dogs barking.  You think about the discussion you had with a colleague 10 minutes ago.  You smell the coffee on your desk.  There is a slight ache in your foot.  There is a poster of an upcoming company event stuck on the wall.  Your PC just notified you of new emails that arrived.

All of the above happens within less than a second.  If your mind had to interact with each of these occurrences, you would never be able to live a normal life.  All your mind would be doing is responding to all internal and external inputs.  In order for you to still function and have a normal life, your mind has found a way to filter these inputs, and discard that which is not important to you.

How does your mind decide what is important, and what is not?  This is where the key to your life lies.  It does this based on the beliefs that you have created over the years.  Let me explain.  The mind uses filters which it applies to these inputs.  These filters are created from those beliefs we focus on most.  If an input does not trigger one of those filters, the input is discarded.  Thus, if a input does not align with a current belief, the input is not registered and not made ‘visible’ to us.

Are you starting to get the picture here?  If you belief that there are no opportunities in life to further your career, then your mind will not show you any opportunities that can further your career even when they are right there, because your filters are only allowing the opportunities that will prevent growth to be made visible to you.

You see the world based on your beliefs.  What it really means is that you are shown the world based on your beliefs and what is true to you.  That does not make it the real truth – only your truth.  If you change the way you think about life, you change the way you see life.

You can find out more about this in my book: The Power Within You.


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